Dukt Media




Config 2021
Apr 21, 2021 - Apr 22, 2021


Config 2024: The secret sauce to conversational AI (hint: it's not the AI)

Config 2024: Design: the ultimate developer hack (Saron Yitbarek, Founder, BCM/Disco)

Config 2024: Serious play (Andy Allen, Software Designer, !Boring)

Config 2024: How to bring the craft back to product management (Peter Yang, Product Lead, Roblox)

Config 2024: Product management: half art, half science, all passion (Dare Obasanjo, Meta)

Config 2024: The art of obsession: crafting a culture of excellence (Jenny Arden, CDO, Zillow)

A very important question

Config 2024: Building a human future with robots (Jason Ballard, CEO and Co-founder, ICON)

Config 2024: The value of opinions in design systems (Nate Baldwin, Senior Staff Designer, Adobe)

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